Damper Bundle



Original Price $30 – Bundle Price $25

Why have one when you can have all three! Impress your guests on your next camping trip with this delectable damper kit bumdle, including:

Wattleseed Damper Mix- lovely savoury, nutty coffee notes, which is best served freshly baked with lashings of butter. For those who like it sweeter- add some golden syrup or honey! For savoury lovers, use your Wattleseed damper to mop up stews or gravy by the campfire.

Garlic and Native Herb Damper Mix-  a native adaption of the much-loved garlic bread featuring herbaceous hints of Sea Celery, Sea Parsley and Geraldton Wax. Enjoy freshly baked with lashings of butter, and cheese on top of a little extra-indulgence.

Saltbush and Cheddar Damper Mix- an addictive mix of “Old Man” Saltbush and cheddar is blended to create a salty, earthy, and deliciously savoury Aussie damper that’s best enjoyed hot with lashings of butter.

83 in stock